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animal vs animal


Wild Kratts “A Bat in the Brownies” There are 1,100 species of bats in the world. Ghost bats eat frogs, birds, and even other bats. Bat wings are fingers with stretched skin between them. Bats have echolocation.

cats and dogs

dogs are from the wolf and cats are from wild cats. Lions live in a pride. Wild dogs live in a pack. The African wild cat is not a regular cat; it’s tall and has more strips. Cats can climb. Dogs don’t only chase cats, cats can chase dogs. A caracal can chase a jackal.…

Animal vs Animal

Rhino vs Hippo COMMON NAME: Black Rhinoceros SCIENTIFIC NAME: Diceros bicornis TYPE: Mammals DIET: Herbivore SIZE: Height at shoulder: 4.5 to 6 feet WEIGHT: 1,760 to 3,080 pounds   COMMON NAME: Hippopotamus SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hippopotamus amphibious TYPE: Mammals DIET: Herbivore GROUP NAME: School AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: Up to 40 years SIZE: Head and body: 9.5 to 14 feet; tail: 13.75 to 19.75 inches WEIGHT: 1.5 to…

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