

  • Tylosaurus Proriger

    COMMON NAME: Tylosaurus Proriger SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tylosaurus proriger TYPE: Prehistoric DIET: Carnivore SIZE: Length: 45 feet The Tylosaurus Proriger was one the biggest sea creatures of its time. It had 4 fins with 24 teeth, but it also had 22 teeth on its palate. The Tylosaurus Proriger was 20 tons. It was a shark . source:

  • Hippo

    Where do they live ? COMMON NAME: Hippopotamus SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hippopotamus amphibious TYPE: Mammals DIET: Herbivore GROUP NAME: School AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: Up to 40 years SIZE: Head and body: 9.5 to 14 feet; tail: 13.75 to 19.75 inches WEIGHT: 1.5 to 4 tons source: Hippos can sleep underwater. Hippos can hold there breath for 5 minutes. Hippos can…

  • Coolest Animals

    Elephants have gigantic tusks and are very tall. COMMON NAME: African elephants SCIENTIFIC NAME: Loxodonta africana TYPE: Mammals DIET: Herbivore GROUP NAME: Herd AVERAGE LIFE SPAN IN THE WILD: Up to 70 years SIZE: Height at the shoulder, 8.2 to 13 feet WEIGHT: 2.5 to seven tons Lion COMMON NAME: African lions SCIENTIFIC NAME: Panthera leo TYPE: Mammals DIET: Carnivore GROUP NAME: Pride SIZE: Head and body, 4.5 to…

  • Bees

    Bees are pollinators. With their wings they fly. They can sting. Bees are awesome!

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