cats and dogs

dogs are from the wolf and cats are from wild cats. Lions live in a pride. Wild dogs live in a pack. The African wild cat is not a regular cat; it’s tall and has more strips. Cats can climb. Dogs don’t only chase cats, cats can chase dogs. A caracal can chase a jackal. African wild dogs are also called painted dogs. Dogs cool off by panting and drinking water. They stick out their tongues and release the heat. Dogs have great running ability, great sense of smell, and claws for digging. African wild dogs have amazing patterns that look like paint. Dogs like to swim. Dogs take down prey as a pack and bite from every side so the prey can’t bite all of them. When dogs go hunting they pick on a pack member to stay with the puppies. African foxes have big ears. Roaring cats can’t purr, but a clouded leopard can. Clouded leopards have huge paws to climb. Big wild cats like swimming. And dogs can climb to like a raccoon dog.

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